Life: More Precious Than Gold (2017)
Right to Life was an active participant in local festivals again this summer. Our float featured a rainbow leading to treasure (a child) and displayed the slogan, “Each human life – more valuable than a pot o’ gold.”

Thank you to our generous members who volunteered to pull the float in the parades in Jackson Center, Versailles, Botkins, and Anna.
RTL Float Visits Area Parades
Football was the theme of the 2015 Right to Life float. The float, which appeared at the Versailles Poultry Days, Botkins Carousel, and Anna Homecoming, emphasized the need to respect life at all its stages with its slogan, "Prolife from Kickoff until the Final Touchdown."
A big thank you to Brenda Bensman for organizing the float this year, and to all those who assisted in any way.
2014 Float
The Right to Life parade float appeared in many of the area's festivals this year: Jackson Center Community Days, Botkins Carousel, Versailles Poultry Days, Anna Homecoming, and Sidney Applefest.
As a tribute to the hit cable show and to the Robertson family who are well known for their Christian views — including on abortion — the float’s theme this year is Duck Dynasty. It displays the message, “Don’t Hide the Truth. Choose Life.”
A big thank you to Randi and Chris McVety, who volunteered to organize the float project for 2014. Thanks, too, to all of those who helped decorate, transport, and staff the float during the parades.
2013 Winter Wonderland Parade: Lighting Up Life in Downtown Sidney
A crowd of enthusiastic pro-lifers of all ages warmed up the chilly evening of Friday, November 22 with their bright smiles, bright jackets, and bright LIFE balloons.
Nearly fifty members joined RTL in the Sidney Winter Wonderland Parade, walking the route with big, yellow LIFE balloons lighted by flashlights. The group was led by the Shelby County Right to Life banner and a UTV decorated in pro-life signs and pumping music celebrating LIFE and LIGHT.
Holiday lighting festooned the court square for the 7:30 parade. A huge crowd was on hand for the 33rd edition of the annual event, which featured almost a hundred entries.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for this great witness to the joy and vitality of the pro-life message. Special thanks to Ben Monnin and Dan Jock for providing the vehicle and sound equipment.
2013 Float

2012 RTL Float