About Right to Life of Shelby County

RTL-SC Board of Directors

Ron Meyer President

Teresa Chaney Vice President

Mike Monnier Treasurer

Melissa Blenman Secretary

Brenda Bensman

Jennifer Bohman

Tim Dietz

Ann Joslin

Michael Trygstad, D.O.


RTL-SC Staff

Marie Berning Thrift Shop Manager

Tina Herring Thrift Shop Assistant

Kevin Schmiesing Program Director

About Right to Life of Shelby County

Founded in 1974, Right to Life of Shelby County is 501(c)3 educational and service organization. Membership is open to all who share our desire to promote respect for all human life, and especially for the most vulnerable, the unborn.

Mission Statement

Right to Life of Shelby County is a non-profit, non-sectarian service organization devoted to the belief that all human life is sacred.

We promote respect and legal protection, for all human life, from the moment of conception until natural death. Our educational and awareness programs focus on those practices that involve the direct destruction of innocent human lives: abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide.

We are dedicated to offering humane alternatives to women with difficult or unexpected pregnancies and to supporting mothers and families in fostering an environment that is conducive to the healthy spiritual and physical development of children. Therefore, although we do not discriminate on the basis of family arrangements in our provision of services, we endorse traditional marriage (one man, one woman) and oppose measures that threaten the religious and civil liberties of religious institutions, adoption agencies, pregnancy centers, and other organizations that are essential to the pro-life cause.


Shelby County Right to Life

PO Box 72

Sidney, OH 45365



©2007 Shelby County Right to Life, P.O Box 72, Sidney, Ohio, 45365