Promoting a culture of life in Shelby County, Ohio


Right to Life News

Abortion pill reversal info

US/Worldwide Abortion Counter

RTL Oratory Contest

Life Chain

Spreading the prolife message during parade season

Scramble-4-Life Golf Outing

RTL Garage Sale

Candlelight Vigil

Shelby County Fair booth

2019 Golf Outing Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for the Ninth Annual RTL Scramble-4-Life! Please join us on Saturday, March 11 for a fun-filled event.

Shotgun start: 8:30am. Registration deadline: May 3. Entry fee: $200 per 4-person team (includes lunch). To register, contact Julia at 937-489-9129 or by e-mail.

Cash prizes for 1st through 3rd place teams. Prizes for closest to pin, long drive, and more! Register now.


©2014 Shelby County Right to Life <> P.O Box 72, Sidney, Ohio, 45365 <> 937-498-1812