Information about Stem Cell Research
Stem cells are valuable to medical researchers because of their capacity for developing into various kinds of human cells and therefore being used for therapeutic purposes. Many kinds of stem cells raise no significant moral objection. Research concerning embryonic stem cells, however, depend on the harvesting of stem cells from human embryos, which necessarily involves the destruction of those embryos. In other words, embryonic stem cell research entails the killing of human beings in early stages of development.
Because Shelby County Right to Life supports the protection of human life in all its stages, we oppose the destruction of embryos for stem cell research.
For more information about stem cell research, please click the links to the right, or visit the office to see the many prolife resources we have on hand.
Those with interest in the technical aspects of the stem cell issue may participate in the annual Pro-Life Science and Technology Symposium, an event co-sponsored by SCRTL.