Oratory contest


Preparing A Speech
How to Win a Speech Contest
Rhetorical (oratory) tips (from Wikipedia)
Sample Pro-life Presentation Outlines
            (for reference only, aim for originality)
Pro-Life Training.com Resources
Local Contest Information: Right to Life of Shelby County OH
National Oratory Contest Sponsor, NRLC

General Pro-Life Information
Teens For Life.
Why Pro-Life?
American Life League
Pro-Life Action League
Students for Life.org
Center For Bio-Ethical Reform (Some graphic images)
Focus On The Family (Pro-Life section)
Life Issues Institute

Pro-Life News Sources
Daily Abortion News, Priests for Life
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
American Center for Law & Justice

Abortion Facts
Just The Facts (Includes info on fetal pain under: “See the Science”)
Abortion Facts
The Unchoice  (Coerced abortions & abortion risks)
Abortion Then And Now website

Abortion Numbers
Abortion Stats from National Right to Life
Abortion Stats from Guttmacher Inst. (A pro-abortion group)

Prenatal Development
Fetal Development Videos from Endowment for Human Development
National Association for the Advancement of Preborn Children
Lost Innocents website (Info and photos of miscarried babies)

Abortion and Ultrasound
Silent Scream
Soundwave Images at Unborn.com

Abortion Methods and Physical Complications
Abortion Methods (from American Life League)
Abortion procedures [not a pro-life site]
Birth Control is Abortifacient
Human Life International www.hli.org/resources/ (Abortifacient effects of Birth Control)
Emergency Contraception info (from Teens for Life)
Graphic Photos of What Abortion Does to Children's Bodies

Post Abortion Trauma & Recovery
Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome Stories (Silent No More)
Elliot Institute Research After Abortion
Operation Outcry
Maternal Deaths from Abortion
Rachel's Vineyard
Lumina: Post Abortion Help
Life News Article: on Lumina and ProAbortion Stories

Abortion’s Breast Cancer Risks
Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Facts at LifeSiteNews
Breast Cancer Prevention Institute (Resources section)

“Hard Cases” Regarding Abortion
Prenatal Complications
Hard Cases Close to Home Brochure (Shelby Co. RTL)
Alexandras House Stories of Adverse Prenatal Diagnosis
Prenatal Partners for Life
Rape and Incest Cases
SaveThe1.com (Stories of surviving rape)
Organ Donation

Pro-Life Compassion & Care For Women
Online Book: Why Can't We Love Them Both?
OptionLine – Pregnancy Help Online
Elizabeth's New Life Center  Shelby County pregnancy assistance office.
         There are numerous organizations in every state.
Birthright International (Pro-life adoption agency, one of many)
Rustic Hope (in Shelby Co OH)  Housing for Unwed Mothers
ProLife Across America A listing of many organizations nationwide.

Abstinence, Chastity:
Chastity.com (a branch of Catholic Answers)
Stand Up Girl
One More Soul
The Ruth Institute
National Organization for Marriage
Abortion Infringing on Parent’s Rights
Parental Consent Infringement (Eileen Roberts’ Story; AfterAbortion.org)
Parental Rights and Abortion (JonathanTurley.org)
Father's Rights

Abortion Law & Legal Initiatives
Supreme Court Opinions
         Of Note: Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton, PP of S. PA v. Casey
Summary of Roe v. Wade
Partial Birth Abortion Ban upheld (2003)
Ohio laws
Americans United for Life
Pro-Life Alliance
Heartbeat Bill

Additional Abuse in Abortion Industry
Life Dynamics
Live Action
Center For Medical Progress (Investigative video sting of illegal activity at Planned Parenthood.)
Child Predators website (Abortionist abuse cases)
Other Topics of Abuse to Research (no links included):
Abortion and Sex Trafficking;
Sex Selection Abortions

Support for Former Abortion Providers
Former Abortion Providers Join Pro-Life Action League
And Then There Were None https://abortionworker.com/

Genocide, Eugenics, Biotechnology
(Includes stem cell research, cloning, artificial reproductive technologies)
Eugenicist Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood
Personhood.org (See “Emerging Tech”)
Stories of Donor Conceived Children
Center for Bioethics and Culture
Genocide Awareness Project
BlackGenocide.org Homepage
Sound Choice  (Campaign for Ethical Vaccines)
Children of God for Life (Campaign for Ethical Vaccines)

Infanticide Definitions and Quotes
Infanticide History

Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia Info
Patients' Rights Council
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
Not Dead Yet.org
Life and Hope.com Terri Schiavo Network

Pro-Abortion Groups to Research
         (No links included)
Planned Parenthood
National Abortion Federation
National Organization For Women (NOW)

Pro-Life Activist Groups
Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP.org)
Operation Rescue
40 Days For Life Campaign
Directory of Anti-abortion links at AbortionReason.com

Secular Pro-life Positions
Feminists For Life
Secular Pro Life
Pro Life Humanists
Atheists Against Abortion (on Facebook)

Memorials for Unborn Children
Unborn Child Memorials
Heart of America Wall

Shelby County Right to Life Oratory Contest Information

Important Dates

Registration Deadline: Thursday, February 14
2019 Local Contest Date: Monday, February 18 (President’s Day), 6:30 pm in Sidney
State Contest: Saturday, April 27 in Columbus
National Contest: July 6, in Charleston, SC


All high school juniors and seniors who are residents of Shelby County or attend a Shelby County high school are eligible to participate in the Shelby County Right to Life Oratory Contest.


Prizes for 1st through 3rd places are $300, $150, and $100 respectively. The winner will continue to the state contest, with the chance of winning a trip to the national competition.

Contact Anne Schmiesing at 937-492-5584 or by e-mail with questions or to register.

Shelby County Right to Life Oratory Contest Rules

(Regional contest for the National Right to Life Jane B. Thompson Oratory Contest)

Statement of Purpose

Along with the National Right to Life Oratory Contest, this regional contest, is intended to promote the ability of high school juniors and seniors to share their pro-life views with others. Although speaking ability is important, this contest also seeks to help teens organize and express their pro-life views. We also strive to give the contestants an opportunity to meet other pro-life teens.

Contest Rules
  1. High school juniors and seniors (in that grade February 1 of the year of the national contest)
    are eligible to compete. In case of advanced students, non-traditional students, or home
    schooled students, the school must recognize the student as a junior or senior or the year the student will enter college will be used to determine eligibility.
  2. Students who have competed in their junior year may compete the following year as seniors
    (with an entirely new speech) except if the student has won first place in the national
    contest. Second place winners may compete again.
  3. Contestants are to research, write, and present an original pro-life speech on abortion,
    infanticide, euthanasia or stem cell research. The speech should address one of these topics directly.
  4. The speech is to be 5 – 7 minutes in length. A contestant will be disqualified if the speech is
    timed to be under 4 minutes or over 8 minutes in length. Judges are instructed to use their
    judgment regarding under or over time limit speeches. It is at the judges’ discretion how the
    4-5 minute and the 7-8 minute speech will reflect in the score.
  5. Appropriate gestures are allowed. Props are not allowed.
  6. Speech content may not be significantly changed as a contestant advances. Fine-tuning for
    minor corrections or to adjust time is allowed and encouraged. A written copy of the
    winning contestant’s speech must be forwarded to the contest coordinators at the next level (state).
  7. The contestant should use up-to-date factual information.
  8. The style should be appropriate to the message of the speech. A dramatic presentation is not acceptable. A dramatic presentation is considered anything that is read or preformed that has been previously written by another author; a short story, a poem, etc. Although quotes to support a position or statement are appropriate, they may not dominate the speech, and should be appropriately citied. Dramatic presentations are also defined, for the purposes of this contest, to include acting as a thing or another person, such as acting out the life of an unborn baby. This rule is not to be interpreted to rule out the use of emotion.
  9. There will be 3 judges and a time keeper. The judges’ background and qualifications differ; although all are pro-life, the speech should appeal to a broad audience.
  10. No copyrighted speeches shall be used in the contest.
  11. Contestants may use notes.
  12. A podium will be available for the Shelby Co. regional contest. Contestants are welcome to, but not required to use the podium.
  13. Microphones will not be used.
  14. Speaking order will be in reverse alphabetical order.
  15. There will be slight differences in scoring for the regional contest compared to the state and national contests, but the regional format will not negatively affect a contestant advancing to the higher levels. See Judge's Ballot for judging criteria.
  16. The judges’ decision will be final. All efforts are made for accuracy. In the event of a mistake, every effort will be made to
    correct it.
  17. Ties will be handled by the Contest Director. Any other concerns or issues shall be dealt with by the Contest Director. The decision of the Contest Director concerning the application of these rules or the contest will be final.
  18. These rules apply only to the Shelby County Right to Life regional oratory contest. Rules for the state and national contests differ only slightly. See link above right for national rules.
To download sample Judge's Ballot, click here(pdf)
To download Contest Tips, click here (pdf)
Day of Contest Instructions

Please arrive several minutes early. Doors open at 6 pm. Please be there by 6:20 pm at the latest.

What to bring: Two copies of your speech (in addition to the copy you bring for yourself to use). (Single spaced is fine.)

What to wear: There are no regulations on this. Business-casual or business attire is recommended.

Directions: St John's Lutheran Church in Sidney
120 Water St. ----just west of S. Ohio Ave.
Parking in back. Enter through the glass doors off of the parking lot.
There should be signs directing you to the room (the basement.)


©2007 Shelby County Right to Life, P.O Box 72, Sidney, Ohio, 45365